Why I Partner With Horses
Horses have played a grand role in our evolution as humans; without their assistance our civilization would not be as advanced as we are today. They have carried us to our destinations, through battlefields, put to work on farms, and of course won our hearts; it is of no wonder the profound relationship that has been created over time.
Pourquoi les chevaux?
Le cheval est un animal de proie, doué d’une formidable empathie. Au fil des années il a servi les humains pour le transport, les batailles, les sports…il a su gagner nos cœurs et mérite notre respect. Le cheval, avec sa grande capacité intuitive, est le miroir de nos émotions. Sans jugement, il nous permet l’expression libre et authentique de nous-même.
How Horses Connect With People
As animals of prey, they have been roaming the lands and surviving the elements for thousands of years thus developing their senses to their fullest capacity. Horses are sentient beings which enable them to connect to the human heart in ways that seem almost impossible; they are highly attuned to body language and can sense our state of mind through muscle tension, breathing patterns as well as our heart rate.
They recognize our true feelings beyond the everyday mask that we often wear, and act consequently to how we are showing up in this world as well as the energy we give out.